V 1.5 for [1.1 R4]
Support Multiworld, Permissions and PermissionsBukkit
This is my first plugin !
This plugin will let you gain experience from breaking block. The blocks are : Stone, Dirt, Sand, Gravel, SandStone, Netherrack, Soulsand, Clay, Obsidian, Coal, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Diamond Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Redstone Ore.
This plugin is hightly configurable :
Version: '1.6' World: - world - world_nether Show_diamond_found: true Message_diamond_found: '* &b<player> viens de trouver <nb> diamants !' Use_Permissions: false Nb_stone: 10 Exp_stone_Award: 2 Nb_dirt: 0 Exp_dirt_Award: 0 Nb_sand: 0 Exp_sand_Award: 0 Nb_gravel: 0 Exp_gravel_Award: 0 Nb_gold: 2 Exp_gold_Award: 3 Nb_iron: 3 Exp_iron_Award: 3 Nb_coal: 5 Exp_coal_Award: 2 Nb_log: 10 Exp_log_Award: 2 Nb_lapis: 3 Exp_lapis_Award: 3 Nb_sandstone: 0 Exp_sandstone_Award: 0 Nb_obsidian: 2 Exp_obsidian_Award: 5 Nb_mobSpawner: 1 Exp_mobSpawner_Award: 50 Nb_diamond: 1 Exp_diamond_Award: 5 Nb_redstone: 5 Exp_redstone_Award: 3 Nb_clay: 0 Exp_clay_Award: 0 Nb_netherrack: 30 Exp_netherrack_Award: 1 Nb_soulsand: 0 Exp_soulsand_Award: 0 new_block: '112': Exp_Award: 2 Nb: 10 '89': Exp_Award: 2 Nb: 5
Exemple: Nb_stone : Number of Stone bloc break for obtain Exp. Exp_stone_Award : How many Experience obtains.
new_block : section where you add another block that you want give exp '112' : id of block (here NETHERRACK_BRICK ) Nb : Number of NETHERRACK_BRICK bloc break for obtain Exp. Exp_Award : How many Experience obtains.
The player will gain 1 exp after break 10 block
Show_diamond_found : Show a message when someone find a diamond Message_diamond_found : the message. (<player> Player name, <nb> : number of diamond)
- Give exp for mining
- Announce Diamond found
- A block place and destroy not give exp
- /ExpMiner : reload configuration.
- expminer.use : have exp in mining - expminer.reload : reload config file
-V1.6 Color in Diamond Message Add custom block
-V1.5.3 MobSpawner, Log WorldGuard problem
-V 1.5.2 Correct Silk Touch bug Error with some block (null pointer exception)
-V 1.5 Optimization Use YamlConfiguration for config file
-V 1.4 Correct diamond bug
-V 1.3 Add Obsidian, Sand, SandStone, Gravel and Netherrack Correct minor bug
V 1.2 :
- Permissions support (Permission 3.1.6, PermissionsBukkit)
- Add Dirt
- More than one world
- V 1.0 : Release
- Optimize Code
Version 1.6 (source in jar)
Version 1.5.3 (source in jar)
Version 1.5.2 (source in jar)
Version 1.5 (source in jar)
Version 1.4 (source in jar)
Version 1.3 (source in jar)
Version 1.2 (source in jar)
Version 1.0 (source in jar)