F3Name - edit your server brand in debug screen

F3Name - edit your server brand in debug screen

Edit server brand in debug screen
Must-have for 1.13 server!
With release of Minecraft 1.13, server owners get an additional place to show information to players. And this place is... debug screen!
With this plugin you can easily edit server brand from default ("Spigot", or very long Bungee version) to whatever you want. Show your server name, ping, or just advertise to players (at least, you tried).
For updates, check resource page on SpigotMC.
  • Edit server brand in debug screen (F3)
  • Colors and animation
  • Easy configuration
  • Both BungeeCord and Bukkit
  • Supports PlaceholderAPI
  • Vault (basic) or LuckPerms (advanced) group support
  • Built-in placeholders for BungeeCord
BungeeCord placeholders
  • %player_name% - player name
  • %player_displayname% - player displayname
  • %player_uuid% - player uuid
  • %player_ping% - player ping
  • %server_name% - server name
  • %server_motd% - server motd
  • /f3name /debugname /f3n /f3namebukkit - aliases for Bukkit
  • /f3nameb /f3namebungee - aliases for BungeeCord
  • /f3name reload - reload configuration
  • f3name.reload - permission for reload

Bukkit config

#Groups edit

#Groups edit
  #Default group for everyone, must present in config
      - "&6This is an example configuration file"
      - "&6Use this list to set multiple names in debug screen"
      - "&6It also have support of PlaceholderAPI,&r %player_displayname%"
      - "&6Your ping: &2%player_ping%&6, current world time &2%player_world_time_24%"
    #Choose random string from this list on update
    shuffle: false
    #Update time for list in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks)
    update-time: 200
  #Example group, change name to your
      - "&6This is an example group"
      - "&6This text will show to players with &cexample &6group"
      - "&6Player groups sorted by their weight"
    #Shuffle and update-time is optional, their default value are showed above

#If set to true, disables this plugin and gives a bungeecord plugin ability to send
#messages using this plugin. It allows bungee to use hooked plugins on the server
bungeecord-as-primary: false

#Use colored console. Disable it if you don't see colors
coloredConsole: true

#Auto update for plugin
auto-update: true
BungeeCord config
#If you don't want to change server brand in debug menu
#on specific server - add server name below
  - "excluded"
#Groups edit
  #Default group for everyone, must present in config
      - "&6This is a BungeeCord version of &3F3Name"
      - "&6Everything the same as in the Bukkit version"
      - "&6Except excluded-servers list above and built-in placeholders"
      - "&6Your ping: &2%player_ping%&6, current server name &2%server_name%"
      - "&6It sends to all servers on your network"
    shuffle: false
    #Update time in ticks
    update-time: 200
  #Example group, change name to your
      - "&6This is an example group"
      - "&6This text will show to players with &cexample &6group"
      - "&6Player groups sorted by their weight"
    #Shuffle and update-time is optional, their default value are showed above

#Prevents messages above from sending. Enable this if you have server with plugin
#on network, but don't want to change server brand on others server in network
only-api: false

#Use colored console. Disable it if you don't see colors
coloredConsole: true
For a detailed explanation about how a plugin defines a player group, read this.
Configuration Examples
Can be found here.
You have a good config? Suggest it in the comments.
Works for players that connected from 1.13 on servers with protocol hacks on 1.8+.
  • 2.4 - Optimization and bugfixes
  • 2.3 - bStats change, more clear API
  • 2.2 - Added support for future Minecraft versions + API
  • 2.1 - Auto updater and bugfixes
  • 2.0 - BungeeCord support
  • 1.2 - Vault support and more metrics
  • 1.1 - Added support for groups and bStats
  • 1.0 - Initial release
This plugin uses bStats for metrics. Bukkit and Bungee version are separated.
If you want to disable it, please, check the bStats config.
Since English is not my native language, I probably made some mistakes in the description. I would be very grateful if you point out them.
Знаешь русский? Читай здесь.