Factions Arrows
Factions Arrows is a plugin which will maximize the fun and gameplay of your factions server by adding two new useful arrows, These arrows will help players in raiding bases and traveling long distances to make bases, This plugin can also be used in other types but not recommended because this plugin was specially made for factions.
Version 0.2
- Added Blind Arrow
- Changed /factionsarrows status
- Added new options for Blind Arrow in configuration file
Version 0.1
- Initial Release (Explosive and Teleport arrows only)
1) Teleport Arrow
- Teleports your player where the teleport arrow landed on (can be configured)
2) Explosive Arrow (a.k.a TNT Arrow)
- Creates a explosion at where the explosive arrow landed on (can be configured)
3) Blind Arrow (Added in v0.2)
- Blinds the player/entity which got shot by the arrow (can be configured)
Why choose Factions Arrows?
You should choose Factions Arrows because it will maximize the gameplay and increase the fun in your server, You know what that means, If your server has more fun then there will be more players, Players wouldn't be bored and secondly this plugin is coded from scratch and it is bug free, It is also very very very efficient and does not lag your server.
Download the .jar file and then drag the FactionsArrows[version].jar in the plugin folder and reload/restart your server, It will create its config file which you can use to edit it, You should edit the config right after installing it because it has options enabled/disabled by default which you would want.. The configuration is really easy and even a noob can do it, I've included helpful comments for ease, You also need a permissions plugin or you need to be a OP to spawn those special arrows.
- factionsarrows.main - To use the /factionsarrows command
- factionsarrows.reload - To use the reload (reloads configuration) sub-command - /factionsarrows reload
- factionsarrows.status - To view the current configuration for the plugin
- factionsarrows.spawn.teleportarrow - To spawn a teleport arrow in your inventory.
- factionsarrows.spawn.explosivearrow - To spawn a explosive arrow (TNT arrow) in your inventory.
- factionsarrows.spawn.blindarrow - To spawn a blind arrow in your inventory. (Added in v0.2)
- Command - Description - Permission
- /factionsarrows - Main command for the plugin, Has sub commands/arguments - factionsarrows.main
- /factionsarrows reload - Reloads the configuration of the plugin - factionsarrows.reload
- /factionsarrows status - Shows the configuration loaded in the last [re]load of the plugin - factionsarrows.status
- /factionsarrows give teleportarrow - Gives yourself a teleport arrow.
- /factionsarrows give explosivearrow - Gives yourself a explosive arrow.
- /factionsarrows give blindarrow - Gives yourself a blind arrow. (Added in v0.2)
- To spawn arrows multiple times add another parameter and add a number of the arrows you want, e.g. /factionsarrows give teleportarrow 64 - will give you 64 teleport arrows
Currently there are no bugs, If you find any please let me know by commenting down here
By the way, This was my first plugin so.. there might be problems/bugs..