What is FarmWorld ?
A FarmWorld is a seperate world for mining, fighting, gathering, .... With this plugin you don't need to destroy your main world while searching for ores or diamonds. Futhermoore you can use a other plugin for disabling monsters in your main world and use the FarmWorlds for killing monsters and gaining experience.
In Germany FarmWorlds (FarmWelt) got very popluar by a YouTube Project called "Minecraft Leben".
What does this plugin ?
FarmWorld allows you to generate FarmWorlds. Every FarmWorld is regenerating after a specified amount of days. You can join and leave these worlds by command or by sign.
- Join and leave via Sign
- Automatically regeneration
- Specify regeneration frequency for each world
- Multiple worlds
- /fw help
- /fw create
- /fw join
- /fw remove
- There are more commands, just type ingame /fw help
- fw.setup - Allows to create, edit and remove FarmWorlds - default: op
- fw.join - Allows to join FarmWorld - default: everyone
- Create a FarmWorld: /fw create -n:<name> (-s:<seed>)
- Create Join Sign
- Line 1: [fw]
- Line 2: <name>
Thats it. The world is regenerating every day at 2 o'clock. For antoher frequency use /fw days -n:<world> -d:<integer>
If you specify a seed, the same world will be regenerated.