Fast Travel!
You can travel to any location by right-clicking a sign. Any location can by configured.
- /ft help - Shows all commands.
- /ft edit - Edit a location.
- /ft create - Create a location.
- fasttravel.location.<permission> - You can set a permission for any location. You can disable any permission by typing "no" where it's necessary.
- fasttravel.sign.create - Create a fasttravel sign, first line will be [FastTravel] or what you entered in config (sign-text line).
- fasttravel.sign.use - Allows you to use a FastTravel sign.
- fasttravel.sign.destroy - Allows you to destroy a FastTravel sign.
- fasttravel.commands.* - Use all Fast Travel commands.
- - fasttravel.commands.use - Allows you to use /ft.
- - - Allows you to use /ft help.
- - fasttravel.commands.edit - Allows you to use /ft edit.
- - fasttravel.commands.create - Allows you to use /ft create.
Available colors (or replacements) for config
- _ = (space)
- <color_name> = color (names from: it's not case-sensitive).
- sign-text: FastTravel - First line of the sign - To create a sign type [FastTravel] (or what you entered). Do not put [] brackets.
- sign-color: a - Color of the line (it's automatically entered when you create a Fast Travel sign).
- horizontal-lines: 4 - Inventory horizontal lines for FastTravel Inventory GUI.
- menu-text: FastTravel - Inventory GUI name
- menu-slot-1: 12 - slot of the item (starts with 0)
- menu-name-1: <dark_red>Fast_<gold>Travel_Location - name of the item
- menu-description-1: <dark_red>Location_description - description of the item
- menu-item-1: 14 - item
- menu-location-world-1: world - location - world
- menu-location-x-1: 219.5 - location - x
- menu-location-y-1: 67.0 - location - y
- menu-location-z-1: 247.0 - location - z
- menu-usepermission-1: false - use permission, true or false
- menu-permission-1: no - permission
To-Do list
- None, put suggestions in comments.