- /clearchat clear (clears the public chat)
- /c (a fast way to clear the public chat)
- /cc (clears your own chat)
- /clock (locks the chat) v1.2 and up
- /clearchat version (the version of the plugin)
- /clearchat reload (reload the config)
- /clearchat clear or /c "clearchat.clear"
- /cc ""
- /clock "clearchat.lock" (give a player "" if you want them to be able to chat when the chat is locked) v1.2 and up
- /clearchat reload "chatclear.reload"
- "clearchat.ignore" (when a player has this permission he wont see the /c or /clearchat clear message) v1.2 and up
- use %Name in the config to show the name from the one who cleared the chat (this can be used in /clearchat clear, /c and /cc)
how your config should look
clear-message: '&1[&bClearChat&1] &bChat has been cleared by&d %Name&b.'
cc: '&1[&bClearChat&1] &3%Name&b You have cleared your own chat'
no-permission: '&4[&cClearChat&4] &cyou dont have permission to this command'
Reload: '&1[&bClearChat&1] &bConfig reloaded.'
lock-msg: '&1[&bClearChat&1] &3the chat is locked!'
lock: '&1[&bClearChat&1] &b%Name&3 has locked the chat!'
unlock: '&1[&bClearChat&1] &b%Name &3has unlocked the chat!'
Other plugins made by me
- AntiAdv ( a Anti Advertise plugin with alot of features
- NoHitDelay ( A plugin that lets you manage the delay between 2 hits in pvp.
- AutoWelcome ( A Plugin that lets players with a permission say welcome to new players!