Fire Container

Fire Container

Dead Project.< <font="" size="">Description</font> Tired of fire Griefers? With this plugin blocks simply will not catch on fire. It also has a message pop up whenever fire is suppressed. This includes ALL methods of how blocks would be lit on fire, (Lava, lightning, etc). Best and simplest Anti Fire plugin on Dev Bukkit :) Current Version: 1.7 Current Minecraft Compatible Version: 1.2.3 Current Bukkit Compatible Version: RB 1.1-R6 <font size="+3">Features</font> -Disables the event that allows blocks to catch on fire. -Send's a server message that says when a player uses flint and steel. (Unless Op) -Removes flint and steel from hand when someone try's to use it. (Unless Op) -Keeps a record of violators and the time of their violation in your servers root directory. -Allows use of a command to check and remove flint and steel from players. (Op only) <font size="+3">Commands</font> /check (player name) to check and remove any and all flint and steel in the players inventory. <font size="+3">Please Note</font> If the download is still old yet another version is listed, it most likly means that the new updated file is still waiting for approval. Also please leave some feedback in a post. Its nice to hear what people think :) <font size="+3">Thanks</font> I would like to thank ColdandTired for helping me with the Block Listener. I would like to thank V10lator for helpful input. I would like to thank Walker Crouse for helping with the FnS interact fix. I would like to thank nala3 for helping with the isOp code. I would like to thank steaks4uce for helping with fixing the block listener. I would like to thank wwsean08 for helping me fix the stack issue. I would like to thank tomjw64 for helping with the commands. I would like to thank mindless728 for helping with a null issue. I would like to thank Trc202 for helping with the severe error issue. <font size="+3">Notes</font> If you have anything that you want too see in this plugin let me know with a comment. 0 Compile Errors No conflicts as far as i know. If any are found please post. <font size="+3">Glitches</font> None <font size="+3">Known Issues</font> None <font size="+3">Future Updates Will Include</font> Open to suggestions. Just leave a post in the forum page. <font size="+3">Future Updates Might Include</font> Open to suggestions. Just leave a post in the forum page. <font size="+3">Future Updates Will Not Include</font> Permissions. Any unrelated additions. <font size="+3">Change Log</font> 0.1 Created and released. 0.2 Cleaned up the code a bit. 0.3 Edited alert message color. 0.4 Only Flint and steel will now trigger the alert message. 0.5 Users name will now be displayed in the alert. 0.6 Alert only goes off when player uses FnS for fire now. 0.7 Took out some useless code. 0.8 Flint and Steel will now be removed from inventory when used. 0.9 Op's Can now use flint and steel without it being removed. Fire will still be suppressed. 1.0 Violators names and times of their fire offenses is now recorded on a text file in the root of your server folder. 1.1 The log file will now include the players ip address. 1.2 Op's can now create nether portals like normal. 1.3 Log file now contains date of offense. 1.4 Will now remove all flint and steel in hand even if stacked. 1.5 Added a command to check a players inventory for flint and steel and remove it all if any. 1.6 Fixed the issue with severe error messages being spammed on the console. 1.7 Fixed the issue with severe error messages being spammed on the console. (Again) <font size="+3">For Developers</font> <font size="+3">Plugin Preview 1</font> <font size="+3">Plugin Preview 2</font>