Version 0.8.5-R1.0
Hello this is a flatlands generator, best used with multiverse and works with CraftBukkit 1.3.2-R01 this project is designed to create a world that allows you to map out and plan you builds. The aim of this plugin is to be simple and user friendly.
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- Customisable height and block types.
- World sizes are not restricted.
- Only generates chunks as required.
- Supports arbitrary height worlds, max height of 127 blocks only at the moment.
- Supports data values of block ids by use of ':' between them ie. 'wool:8'. Numeric IDs only.
- Able to generate a world of one particular item, if one Block ID is supplied.
- Added ability to accept only height as an option. Uses default Block ID's.
- Alternating Borders when 3 Block ID's are supplied.
How to Use
To generate a flatlands world with multiverse and use custom generation modes:
- First you need to run the command wizard: /flbw create [WorldName]
- /mv create [WorldName] NORMAL -g FlatlandsBuilder -t FLAT
Java 7 Only!
FlatlandsBuilder has dropped all support for Java 6 users and is now completely Java 7 dependent so please ensure you are running Java 7 on your server.
Valid plot sizes: 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024
Valid generation modes: normal, grid, grid2, grid3, grid4, grid5
Permission Nodes:
- flatlandsbuilder.admin - /flb commands.
- flatlandsbuilder.edit - /flbd commands. (Will change to "flatlandsbuilder.edit.defaults" in next update, so expect a change).
- flatlandsbuilder.wizard - Command Wizard, /flbw Commands.
FlatlandsBuilder v0.70 and Earlier:
- /mv create [WorldName] Normal -g FlatlandsBuilder:[Height],[Block1],[Block2],[Block3]
- /mv create [WorldName] Normal -g FlatlandsBuilder:[Height],[Block1],[Block2]
- /mv create [WorldName] Normal -g FlatlandsBuilder:[Height],[Block1]
- /mv create [WorldName] Normal -g FlatlandsBuilder:[Height]
Future Plans
- Add the ability to generate a whole world of one particular item, if one item id is supplied.
- Add block blacklist
- Add Alternating Borders.
- Optimization of the Plugin.
- Large plots generator / populator. (64x64 - 1024x1024 blocks)
- New Generation Pattens to be added
- New command based wizard for configuring worlds.
- FlatlandsBuilder will become fully dependant on Multiverse-Core, wont be able to run with out it.
- Add command to FlatlandsBuilder to generate world.
- New configuration standard defaults, and world specific.
- Implement new config.
- Implement API to take the old way of configuring FlatlandsBuilder to the new config based system.
Once this is achieved this plugin will be complete.
Tutorial For Version 0.8.0-R1.0
Tutorial For Version 0.7.0-R2.0 and Earlier