What does this plugin do?
This plugin makes invisible blocks have a knockback effect on the player, making an invisible wall that the player cannot get though.
You could use this in order to avoid using glass walls, that may ruin your landscape, or something like that. ;)
How does this plugin work?
It's quite simple. Make a wall with any block that you want, and then get your worldedit wand, and then replace that block with the block id 36.
For example, if you made the wall out of stone, you would select the area, and type "/ /replace 1 36."
After that, when a player tries to walk through that invisible barrier, they will be knocked back.
Permission nodes
There are only two permission nodes, as listed below.
This permission will allow you to walk though a forcefield.
• ForceField.bypass
This permission will allow you to break a forcefield.
• ForceField.break
One way force-fields
As of version 1.2 (currently awaiting approval) you can create one way force-fields. The way that it works is that, first, you will have to anable "oneWay" in the config, then you have to have a marker block one block before the force-field if you want it to block a player. Example, if you want to block a player with the force field, put a marker block down (Glowstone by default) so that they will have to walk from the glowstone into the force-field. If there is no marker block before the forcefield, the player will be able to move through the force-field.
If you have any suggestions on how I can improve this plugin, please submit a ticket, or post a comment. :)
If you would like to be awesome enough to support my developing, donations would be amazing. :)