


ForceTime is a lightweight but handy tool which you can use to permanently set the time to day, or night. It also allows setting the weather permanently. This is a great tool for map makers who wish to play in an only-day type environment. Time and weather states are stored between reloads which makes this a great plugin for regular servers too.


Installation is easy, just download the plugin, drag and drop it to your plugins folder and reload the server using /reload. ForceTime should be installed now. You can try it out using /forcetime (provided you have the correct permission node).


  • /forcetime <world> day - Permanently set the time to day in the specified world.
  • /forcetime <world> night - Permanently set the time to night in the specified world.
  • /forcetime <world> off - Resume normal day/night cycle in the specified world.
  • /forceweather <world> sun - Permanently set the weather to sun in the specified world.
  • /forceweather <world> rain - Permanently set the weather to rainy in the specified world.
  • /forceweather <world> thunder - Permanently set the weather to thunder in the specified world.
  • /forceweather <world> off - Resume normal weather cycle in the specified world.


  • forcetime.set - Allow setting the world time.
  • forcetime.setweather - Allow setting the world weather


The source is available as a NetBeans project here: Linky
ForceTime is built on BukkitLib, an opensource development library, available here: Linky


This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

A unique identifier, The server's version of Java, Whether the server is in offline or online mode, The plugin's version, The server's version, The OS version/name and architecture, The core count for the CPU, The number of players online and The Metrics version. Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.