Fun With Numbers

Fun With Numbers


This plugin will help monitor and log stats about players and their activities on a server.


  • FunWithNumbers.check.self - Allows sender to see their own stats.
  • FunWithNumbers.check.other - Allows sender to see the stats of another


/fwn stats - Checks your stats

/fwn stats  [Player] - Checks a player's stats


Below is an example of a player listing and the defaults in the config.

SaveTimer is in game ticks and represents how often to save to the flat file. (20 ticks per 1 sec)

SaveTimer: 200
TimeSeporator: ' : '
KillBeforeText: 'Number of kills: '
KillAfterText: '. '
TimeBeforeText: 'Time played: '
TimeAfterText: '. '
BlockPlaceBeforeText: 'Blocks placed: '
BlockPlaceAfterText: '. '
BlockBreakBeforeText: 'Blocks broken: '
BlockBreakAfterText: '. '
JoinBeforeText: 'Number of joins: '
JoinAfterText: '. '
PVPDeathBeforeText: 'Number of PVP deaths: '
PVPDeathAfterText: '. '
DeathBeforeText: 'Number of deaths: '
DeathAfterText: '. '
PlayerNotFound: 'That user was either incorrect or has not played here. '
    Joins: 5
    BlocksPlaced: 140
    BlocksBroken: 200
    Kills: 2
    PVPDeaths: 10
    Deaths: 19
    PlayTime: 125550


  • Records number of blocks broken.
  • Records number of blocks placed.
  • Records number of times player has killed another player.
  • Records number of times player has been killed.
  • Records number of times player has been killed by another player.
  • Records number of times player has joined the server.
  • Keeps track of time player has been on the server.

Stat for time in game is displayed in H : M : S

Known issues

  • Currently sever must be off when config is modified in order to have changes work.
  • Names are case sensitive.

This plugin was authored by pyropyro78.