


Funny Trolling


The plugin is in German.

Sorry for my bad English

Release 1.4



drop the plugin in your plugins folder and restart the server.


funnytrolling.admin - Player have access to all commands

OP - Player have access to all commands


/ft - Help.

/ft crash <Player> - Minecraft Crashes.

/ft burn <Player> - Player burns.

/ft badpotions <Player> - Give player all BadPotions.

/ft rakete <Player> - Players flying high.

/ft nobuild <Player> - Blocks respawn.

/ft gmspam <Player> - Switch the Gamemode.

/ft tresor <Player> - around the player spawns Bedrock.

/ft fakeop <Player> - FakeOP.

/ft fakeban <Player> <reason> - FakeBan.

/ft killerapple <Player> - When Player eat the apple he die's.

/ft invlock <Player> - Player can't open Chat,Inv,ESC.

/ft hat <Player> - Give Player a Hat.

/ft fuckup <Player> - Sounds annoy the Player.

/ft creeper <Player>- Spawns 10 Creeper.

/ft explode <Player> - Create a Explosion at Player location.

/ft nojump <Player> - Player can't jump.

/ft armorstand <Player> <name> - an armorstand follows the Player.

/ft blockcmd <Player> < cmd/all=""> - Player commands will blocked.

/ft timekill <Player> <seconds> - Player dies after <seconds>.

/ft server <msg> - send message as server.

/ft fakeblocks <player> <block> - spawns fake blocks example: /ft fakeblocks Skittlezz TNT

/ft boss <Player> - spawn a BOSS.

Please report Bugs