Gamemode Expander

Gamemode Expander



Supports 1.13!

Gamemode Expander is a plugin that give you access to more gamemode commands and so you can use /gamemode 0-3 in Minecraft 1.13. This plugin provides a lot of permissions. In this plugin you can also change all the messages for the plugin, in the config.yml file.


  • /gamemode gamemode/0-3 player - Set a player or yourself in a specified gamemode.
  • /gamemodeMenu - Giving you a menu where you can change you gamemode.
  • /gms player - Set your own or another players gamemode to survival mode.
  • /gmc player - Set your own or another players gamemode to creativemode.
  • /gma player - Set your own or another players gamemode to adventure mode.
  • /gmsp player - Set your own or another players gamemode to creative mode.
  • /gamemodeExpander - Gives you information about the plugin.
  • /gamemodeExpander help - Provide a list of commands in this plugin and what they are used for.
  • /gamemodeInfo player - Provides information about which gamemode a player is in.

Abbreviations of the commands:

  • /gamemode - /gm
  • /gamemodeMenu - /gMenu
  • /gamemodeExpander - /ge
  • /gamemodeInfo - /gi


  • * - All permissions.
  • GamemodeExpander.* - All permissions in this plugin.
  • GamemodeExpander.0 - You can change your gamemode to survival, example /gm 0.
  • GamemodeExpander.1 - You can change your gamemode to creative, example /gm 1.
  • GamemodeExpander.2 - You can change your gamemode to adventure, example /gm 2.
  • GamemodeExpander.3 - You can change your gamemode to spectator, example /gm 3.
  • GamemodeExpander.0.other - You can change an other player to survival mode, example /gm 0 <player>
  • GamemodeExpander.1.other - You can change an other player to creative mode, example /gm 1 <player>
  • GamemodeExpander.2.other - You can change an other player to adventure mode, example /gm 2 <player>
  • GamemodeExpander.3.other - You can change an other player to spectator mode, example /gm 3 <player>
  • - You can use the /gamemodeInfo command.
  • Op - All permissions.
