This plugin creates a server-global shop where your players can buy and sell items to and from the server.
- Server wide, always-available, shop.
- Define which items you want to be available in the shop, from Stone over Iron Hoes to Diamonds.
- Limit an item to be sell or buy only.
- "Unlimited" number of aliases for items.
- Buy and sell odd amounts, like 178 or 312 in one trade.
- Sell all of a given item in your inventory, in one go.
- Special, operator definable, chat commands makes buying and selling easy.
- Set up signs to make it even easier for your players to buy and sell.
- Easy sign setup with in-game actions instead of text and slash commands.
- Takes durability into account, when selling used items.
- Extensive in-game help with lots of command examples.
Installation / Configuration
Please visit the installation/configuration page
Please visit the commands overview page
- Updated to craftbukkit-1.2.5-R3.0
For the complete changelog, go to complete changelog
Upcoming features
None at the moment
The GB. plugin family
If you found this plugin useful, you might want to check out the other plugins in the GB. family.
- GB.Rewarder, "Never work for free again" (Link)
- Reward your players for working on your server.
- GB.Storagizer, "This goes here, that goes there" (Link)
- Making organizing your storage area easy and fun.
- GB.Utils, "Your all-round toolbox" (Link)
- A collection of useful, smaller, plugins to improve your server.