This plugin gives a customizable amount of money to a player when he kills someone, and takes money from the player that died, this is useful on PvP servers.
It is an extremely simple and lightweight plugin coded by: GhostPixels (a.k.a. Catchet)!
Tested by: _DeltaAssassin_!
Note: You do not need to update this plugin every Minecraft update, only if I state otherwise.
Commands & Permissions
None (yet)
The config
Default config (Only change the values):
#If you want to send a message to the killer saying that he killed someone sendmessagetokiller: true #If you want to send a message to everyone on the server saying that someone killed someone else sendmessagetoserver: true #If you want the messages sent from this plugin to have a nice prefix useprefixinchat: true #If 'useprefixinchat = true' then you can change what the prefix will be here (Using the bukkit color codes) prefix: '&6[&4PvP&6]' #The money you want the killer to get when he kills someone moneytobegiventokiller: 5 #The money you want to be taken from the victim moneytobetakenfromvictim: 1
If you accidently delete anything or the server can't load the config, then try to delete the config and restart the server.
You need Vault & Essentials for this plugin too work
Note that the line where it says "[PVP] _DeltaAssassin_ sliced through GhostPixels with a diamond sword" in the images is not from this plugin.