

This solution provides server administrators access to managing groups and permissions for all worlds.

Love my work? Feel free to donate, anything is appreciated! :)


Required Dependency: Vault

Note: You can't create a group using this plugin, that can only be accomplished with other plugins like GroupManager (which is included in this pack) or PEX. This plugin (which utilizes the Vault API) just makes group management easier by executing the commands for the listed worlds you want the plugin to take affect in, rather than just the world the user is in.


This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version


  • Set user's group globally with just one command
  • Add/Remove permissions from groups/users globally
  • Get the current group of a user

Commands and Permissions

/ggm - Help menu
/ggm setgroup <user> <group> - Sets the users group
/ggm getgroup <user> - Gets the users current group (1.1.0)
/ggm addperm <user> <permission> - Adds permission to user
/ggm removeperm <user> <permission> - Removes permission from user
/ggm version - Shows the current version you are running
globalgroupmanager.* - Access to all commands
globalgroupmanager.setgroup - Access to /ggm setgroup
globalgroupmanager.getgroup - Access to /ggm getgroup (1.1.0)
globalgroupmanager.addpermission - Access to /ggm addperm
globalgroupmanager.removepermission - Access to /ggm removeperm
globalgroupmanager.version - Access to /ggm version


worlds - The list of worlds you wish users are not affected by this plugin

- world
- world2
- world3

Source (github)