


Glowask ask the server

GlowAsk is a plugin to bukkit so you can get information from the server to your webpage by PHP and html,

The information you get are:

- Are the server on or not
- How many players is on
- who is the players


slots : 2 / 10
Players : mariogrip, hakonw

How to install

  1. Download Glowask
  2. Take the Glowask.jar to your plugin folder
  3. start or reload your server :)

Test your Glowask here:

The PHP and html .ZIP file Rady to upload to your web server :), just see some step

  1. Download it here:
  2. Upload it to the server (if you use Linux under Putty you can also do "wget")
  3. Extract it
  4. Edit Confg/config.php
    To some like this:

here you can put in the messiage
$mes = "Hello world";

here you must put in the ip adress,
$config["server"]["ip"] = "";

here is the Glowask port, ""25566""
$config["server"]["port"] = "25566";


  1. and it ready to use (you can also edit index.php.)

remember If you HAVE a index.php Don't upload and Extract in the same folder as Your index.php file!