GodPowers provides players with the abilities of the Gods.
- Freeze players like Medusa
- Corrupt the world as you walk like Hades
- Strike lightning as you please like Zeus
- Repair tools and enchant items like Plutus
- and many more!
See it in action:
The current stats for GodPowers are displayed below:
Quick Links!
- Full command list with permissions nodes and documentation
- Our config.yml documentation
- #GodPowers on Esper IRC
- Development Builds
- Bug Tracking
- GodPowers source code
We collect some anonymous data for MCStats
Should you wish to disable it just set the opt-out flag in the PluginMetrics config to true.
GodPowers has a list of servers running the plugin.
If you wish to disable it you can set the config flag UploadToServerList to false
How will I know if one of the plugin coders is on my server?
If one of our coders logs on a message will be broadcast across the server and some fireworks will spawn. (configurable)
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