Good Brother 2



Good Brother is alternative to old unsupported bigbrother. Good brother has all the important features to help fighting with the trolls, spammers and griefers. you can easily check the stories bans or kicks each player and more...(check Screen's). It also has a very useful system for banning words such as profanity, thanks to this we will avoid rudeness on the server. easily check the logs of blocks or signs using a stick or bone. In addition, the plugin has a very convenient system of anti grief, selecting terrain using wooden sword (like world edit) and entering the command / rollback [time] [year / month / day / hour / min] the area go back to the state before the time.


Signature example

Web Panel Demo:

  • Demo Login: TheJakubx Password;test


  • After prolonged use, the database becomes quite large
  • The plug is in the Beta stage and may, or rather certainly has some bugs

Good Brother Requirements:

  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • 5-10 Minutes For Configuration


  • gb.water - Access to place water
  • gb.lava - Access to place lava
  • gb.rollback - Access to rollbacking terrain
  • gb.cardindex- Access to see a Card index of user
  • gb.cardindex.own- Access to see own Card index
  • gb.cardindex.own.kicks- Access to see kicks in own Card index
  • gb.cardindex.own.bans- Access to see bans in own Card index
  • gb.cardindex.own.notes- Access to see notes in own Card index
  • gb.lang.reload - Access to reloading lang file's
  • gb.chatshow - Access to see the user's chat history
  • gb.spell.add - Access to banning word on chat and sign's
  • - Access to show baned words on chat and sign's
  • gb.spell.delete - Access to delete baned word on chat and sign's
  • gb.ban - Access to banning player's
  • gb.noban - Acces to Join to game with ban
  • gb.unban - Access to ubbanning player's
  • gb.kick - Access to kicking player's
  • gb.nokick - Special powers that prevent ejection from the game unless kicking from webpanel or console
  • gb.note - Access to writing note in player's cardindex
  • gb.note.del - Access to remove note in player's cardindex
  • gb.kit - Access to get Good Brother kit (Stick, Bone, Wood Sword)
  • - off spellinghelper on chat
  • gb.nospell.sign - off spellinghelper on sign's
  • gb.stick - Acces to checking Sign's log's using stick
  • gb.bone - Acces to checking Block log's using bone
  • gb.spam -Access to write without time limits
  • gb.register -Access Create account on web panel(Player Account)
  • gb.say -Access to send message as console


  • /gbkit - Geting Good brother kit(Stick, Bone, Wood Sword)
  • /rollback [duration] [year/moth/day/hour/min] - Rollbacking Terrain
  • /cardindex [player] - See player cardindex
  • /owncardindex - See own cardindex
  • /spelladd [word] [Change To] - Banning word
  • /spellshow - See all Banned word
  • /spelldelete [ruleID] - Unbaning word
  • /ban [player] [duration] [year/moth/day/hour/min] (optional)[Reason] - Banning Player
  • /unban [player/BanID] - Unbaning player
  • /kick [player] (optional)[Reason] - Kicking Player
  • /note [player] [note] - Writing note's in playes cardindex
  • /notedel [noteID] - Deleting note's from playes cardindex
  • /chatshow [player] (optional)[how much records] - See player's chat history
  • /langreload - Reloading language file
  • /gbregister [password] - Registered in web panel
  • /say [Message] - Send Message as console



When you frist start server with Good Brother plugin will be create folder named: Good Brother in that Folder, plugin will be create files: conf.yml, conf.lang, english.lang.
  • Editing conf.yml

    ip: localhost - MySql ip
    port: 3306 - MySql port
    user: root - MySql user
    password: - MySql password
    database: Good_Brother - MySql Database
    debug: false - set true when you need to see Debug message Recomended: false
    errors: false - set true when you need to see Error's message eg. MySql errors
    info: true - set false when you don't need to see info messages eg. Who and When use Rollback
    time: 10 - the time interval between messages (in seconds)
  • Php Script:

    Editing CONFIGURATION.php

    when you frist open CONFIGURATION.php you see it:
    $Webadmin = "TheJakubx"; - Username in Admin Panel
    $Webpass = "test"; - Password in Admin Panel

    $SERVhost = ""; - ip/domian of your Minecraft server
    $WWWhost = ""; - ip.domian of your Web Server
    $folder = ""; - folder where are script. if sript there is in main web page folder set empty

    $ip = "localhost"; - ip of your MySql server
    $user = "root"; - user to MySql server
    $password = ""; - Password to MySqlServer
    $database = "Good_Brother"; - Database name

Work in progress:

  • -

Change log:

  • 2.0.0Auto generate Signatures
    New Layout for Webpanel
    Rebuild php script

  • 1.2.1 fix php bugs on linux server's
    fix php script for big resolutions
    delete garbages from php script

  • 1.2.0 Rename Commands: /gbkick to /kick, /gbban to /ban. /gbunban to /unban and /gblangreload to /langreload
    fixed MySql connector - Thanks to marbles2013
    Add own Database name - Thanks to marbles2013
    Add Web Panel
    Add /Say command
    Add Anti-Spam system
    Add permissions gb.spam

  • 1.1.1 Add comnand: /owncardindex
    Add comnand: /gblangreload

  • 1.1.0 Add Language files

  • 1.0 Relase