Have you ever wanted to have flags in the plugin Grief Prevention? Did you ever wanted to stop those horrible monsters from infesting your spawn house without running 2 anti-grief plugins? Well now there is a solution... GriefPreventionFlags!
GriefPreventionFlags is the most comprehensive flag plugin for Bukkit! It extends Grief Prevention to allow you to customize the behavior of the game in each claim by setting flags.
GriefPreventionFlags has now been succeeded by Flags. Due to changes being implemented by Mojang regarding UUID, keeping GPFlags working would require an excessive amount of time and effort when Flags duplicates its functionality. For this reason I am officially discontinuing work on this plugin. It is strongly reccomended that users update to Flags. Thank you for your support. - Alshain01
- Over 70 Flags
- Designed for Grief Prevention
- Simple Localization
- Trust Lists
- Customizable Flag Clusters
- Custom New Claim Defaults
- Unclaimed Area Flags
- Multi-world support
- Vault Support by Extension
- Fast, easy to edit YAML data storage
To set flags for a claim, simply stand inside the claim that you would like to set a flag for and issue the command /setflag <flag> [value]. Setting a global flag allows you to choose the default behavior for all claims in the world that have not had a value previously set, this does not alter behavior in unclaimed area. For a list of flags see below.
Other great plugins by john01dav
- AntiSwear - A language filter plugin.
- CastCraft - Adds spell casting to Minecraft!
- BetterReload - Enhanced server reloading.
Other great plugins by Alshain01
- Flags - Multi-system interface for 3rd party plugins to add their own flags.
- TradeShop - A shop plugin designed to sell items through unattended bartering.
- NoMoreZombies - A small plugin developed to disable zombies spawning more zombies.
- HardcoreClaims - Addon for Grief Prevention that deletes claims and restores the land when a player dies.