

Feel free to use this thingy for feature requests. I have more time these days, so I can actually work on it.


Allows admins to define names and coordinates in config files.

  • Players respawn at closest point.
  • Permissions support for commands.

Note: This currently overrides many other plugins spawn management.


/gy add SpawnName

/gy delete SpawnName

/gy list

/gy list world

/gy closest

/gy tp SpawnName

/gy message SpawnMessage

/gy info

/gy group GroupName

Feel free to add as many words in the name as you want. Such as 'Super happy fun spawn point of doom' or something equally as awesome.

Permissions: graveyard.command.add graveyard.command.list graveyard.command.closest graveyard.command.delete graveyard.command.message graveyard.respawn

Download: Graveyard 0.4.4

Bugs: You can send me bug reports on skype, or Post tickets here.

If you wan to contact me, skype username is mcspazzington,

To Do:

  • Point discovery.