

FireAndIce148GroupBot | MCivw


  • GroupBot has menus to help you download and install all necessary plugins for your personal server easily
  • GroupBot manages all this in inventory menus (As you know it makes this way easier for you)
  • GroupBot lets you execute everyday commands in menu
  • GroupBot has tutorial links, server help, and more in menu abilities
  • GroupBot groups plugin tutorials and downloads according to their type
  • See more of GroupBot in action by viewing our Wiki downloading it to your server, see our video below, or take a look at our screenshots!


GroupBot Quick Links

Bukkit admins have not let GroupBot post the 1.1.6 update, download the update below, and not the download to the right

To Open the GroupBot Menu

/gb , This is the main command, which accesses all other commands and opens the GroupBot menu

Opens the GroupBot main menu - Contains all the GroupBot commands *The rest of these commands are included in the GroupBot menu, which is accessed by /gb as shown above, SO THERE IS NO NEED TO KNOW OR USE THE OTHER COMMANDS (Yay, easy and simple!) There is a link in GroupBot's Wiki that does show the other reference commands that the Menu accesses if you want to see them.


The Permission

gb.admin , the only needed permisson

Basically gives you all GroupBot permission if you don't want to OP yourself - GroupBot is really only used for server creators, so there is no need to have other permissions, but if you want to make a help server or just really want everyone to have this perm then go ahead!


Why GroupBot?

This is a commonly asked question
  1. GroupBot is a first use plugin - Meaning that GroupBot is typically used while setting up your first server, then is later deleted
  2. GroupBot has other functions besides plugin support - Server commands and Server help are included in GroupBot and will be optimized
  3. GroupBot is developing GroupCode - GroupCode will help developers start learning how to code plugins through our website and hopefully the plugin