hackercage.* | Gives all permissions.
hackercage.cage | Let's a player use the cage command.
hackercage.uncage | Let's a player use the uncage command.
hackercage.setcage | Let's a player use the setcage command.
hackercage.spy | Let's a player see the commands a hacker tried to run.
/cage | Cage a player.
/uncage | Uncage a player.
/setcage | Set the cage location
1. Download the plugin and put it in your plugins folder, there are more than enough video's on YouTube on how to do that.
2. Start your server, it will generate a config.yml file in the Hackercage folder in your plugins folder.
3. The plugin will disable because you need to configure the config.yml first, there should be comments in the config.yml to explain what to configure for your server.
4. Make a cage at your Lobby or where you want it (Factions f.e), and stand inside the cage and run the command: /setcage This will then set the coords in the config for you. (or do it manually in the config.yml)
5. After you have done everything i've just told you, you can use this plugin.
What you can do with this plugin:
Search for hackers.
Run /cage <playername>
Go to the cage
Broadcast /warp hacker
And kind of humiliate the hackers for their bad sport ;)What does it do?
When caged a caged player can't:
Add WorldEdit API to generate a cage via a command