HandRefiller refills players hands with used item if another item of that type is in the inventory of the player.
Download & Installation:
- You can find the jar-file in this project's files.
- Put the jar-file into your servers plugins folder and use the command /reload or restart the server for changes to take affect.
- Items will be refilled
- If an item is used up and the player has the same item in his inventory the player's hand will be refilled with that item. Works with both off- and mainhand.
- Tools will be refilled
- When a player's tool breaks the hand will be refilled with a tool of that type preferring tools made off the same material (For Example : Stone Shovel breaks -> player has Stone Shovel and Wooden Shovel in inventory -> hand will be refilled with Stone Shovel and not Wooden Shovel -> The new Stone Shovel breaks -> Hand will be refilled with Wooden Shovel).
- Compatible with 1.14
- The plugin was developed for 1.14 and even refills the offhand if the item was in the offhand before it was used up. Older Plugins usually only refill the mainhand which results in the item in the mainhand being overwritten.
- Open source:
- source code available at:github.com/ChristopherSchoening/HandRefiller
Known flaws :
- Items which aren't fully supported
- Lilly Pads
- Snowballs
- Shulker Boxes
- Firework Rockets
- Redstone
- Food will not be refilled when eaten up or used to feed an animal (saplings, flowers and items used for farming generally work fine).
- Dropping items from the inventory-menu with an empty mainhand will refill the player's mainhand with same items if he has them in his inventory.