What is HealingFood?
It is a light weight Bukkit plugin which allows food to regenerate health whenever consumed. However, this plugin also grants the absorption effect if the regeneration will ever exceed a players health.
Yes, I know this feature will be in Minecraft versions 1.9+, but using this plugin can grant support this feature for many version pre-1.9. However, unlike the 1.9 feature, this plugin comes with an extensive amount of customization for each food source. If you wanted a spider eye to heal 40 health, you can do that with this plugin.
Another purpose of this plugin is to easy a player into the hard-core survival (no passive regen). However, this plugin could serve as a way to increase difficulty on a server.
- HealingFood.* - grants all the permissions below
- HealingFood.regen - grants the ability to regenerate health by consuming food
- HealingFood.absorb - grants the ability to receive the status effect of absorption if the regeneration will exceed the maximum health
A complete config file will be created when this plugin is loaded for the first time. This means you only need to alter the values of a key to customize this plugin, but here is a detailed description for each key.
- regenLevel -(int)- the regeneration level applied whenever food is consumed
- requireHungerLevel -(int)- the minimum hunger need to get the regeneration and absorption. Set this value to zero if you want any hunger level to heal. In order to not disable the features of this plugin this integer should be between 0 and 20.
- saturationToHealthRatio -(int)- the amount of saturation (which is supplied under foodList) need to regen one health
- absorptionLength -(int)- the number of ticks the absorption effect should last ( 20 ticks per sec). If this is set to a negative number or zero, the absorption effect will never be applied.
- ambient -(bool)- If true, this will make the particles more transparent.
- particles -(bool)- If false, no potion particles will be displayed.
- saturationList -(Map of String, int)- map of all the food currently as the key and an amount of 'saturation' as the value. Increase this value if you want a food to heal more.
- hungerList -(Map of String, int)- map of all the food currently as the key and an amount of hunger restored as the value. Increase this value if you want a food to heal more.
Source Code
The source code for this plugin can be found here.