Plugin Information
Supported Versions
Helpy has not been tested on 1.12.2 and below. It may work for those versions, but it's recommended for 1.13.2.
Known Bugs
There are currently no known bugs. However, this is my first plugin, so there should be some.
Plugin Modification Permission
You are free to do anything with the plugin.
Plugin Help
- /help - Shows your default help page.
- /help <section> - Shows your specified help page.
- /helpy - Admin command
Permission Nodes
- - Gives access to /help.
- helpy.helpy - Gives access to /helpy.
Default config.yml
show-help-title: true help-title: - §3----==== §1Help §3====---- - '' default-help: '1' insufficient-permission-message: §cYou dont have permission to execute this command. help-sections: '1': - §9/spawn §3- Teleports you to spawn - §9/warps §3- Shows you all the warps available - '' '2': - §9/suicide §3- Kills your character - §9/kits §3- Shows you all the kits available - ''