Plugin to play 'Hide And Seek' game in Minecraft
To join the game type /hideAndSeek
This plugin have kits;
To view kit list type /kitList
To get kit type /getKit [kit]
There is one default kit: jumper,
If you want to create another kit, please read Setting Up: Creating kits
Setting Up:
General Settings:
Default config file saved at /plugins/HideNSeek/config.yml
If there is no config.yml file, try /reload command
! Please don't edit config.yml and playerData.yml files !
1. Configure world : Type /setWorld [world] ; There is better to create new world (using another plugin, MultiVerse-Core and etc.) ;
2. Configure hub, seeker room and map start: Type /setupHubRoom <X> <Y> <Z> ; /setupSeekerRoom <X> <Y> <Z> ; /setupStart <X> <Y> <Z>
Variant 1 : Stand in a place that will have a lobby, seeker room or map start and enter the appropriate command. (For Example: /setupStart)
Variant 2 : Type command and coordinates. (For Example: /setupStart 140 20 -450)
3. Configure hide and seek time: Type /setHideTime [seconds] ; /setSeekTime [seconds] ; (Adjusts individually for each map).
4. Configure wait before start time and min/max count of players: Type /setWaitTimeBeforeStart [seconds] ; /setMinPlayerCount [count] ; /setMaxPlayerCount [count] ; (Adjusts individually for each server)
Done! Now game can be started! But...
Messages at selected time:
Messages will be displayed at selected time:
Creating messages: Type /addMessageAt [second] [message]
Removing messages: Type /removeMessageAt [second]
Creating rooms:
If you want the seekers to be told which rooms the players are in when a certain time is reached, do the following:
Type /setDisplayRoom true
Then type /setDisplayRoomAt [second] (Time when rooms will be told to seekers)
Take golden pickaxe (iron axe in the oldest version) and select area (look like in WorldEdit)
Then type /setRoom [name]
If you want to disable area selection with golden pickaxe type /disableSelection
If you want to enable area selection with golden pickaxe type /enableSelection
If you want to toggle area selection with golden pickaxe type /toggleSelection
Creating kits:
1. Adding items: Hold item, that you want to add into the kit and type /addKitElement item
2. Adding potion effects: Type /addKitElement effect [effectID] [duration] [amplifier]
3. Removing items: Hold item, that you want to remove from the kit and type /removeKitElement item
4. Removing potion effects: Type /removeKitElement effect [effectID] [duration] [amplifier]
5. Clearing all items/potion effects: Type /clearKit items or /clearKit effects
6. Applying kit: Type /applyKit [kitName]
7. Deleting kits: Type /deleteKit [kitName]
8. Editing kits: Type /editKit [kitName]
Translating to other languages:
If you want to translate messages to other languages, you can do it using commands or by editing config file.
Editing config file:
Open config.yml file and find messages section. Just replace original messages to translated!
But first read Advanced: Colours and Symbols
Using in-game commands:
Type /setMessage [messageName] [translatedMessage]
But first read Advanced: Colours and Symbols
Message list:
waitingForPlayers: '&yellow{PLAYER} &aquajoined the game! {COUNT} players remaining!'
playerJoined: '&yellow{PLAYER} &aquajoined the game!'
waitingForGameStart: '&greenThe game will start in {AMOUNT} seconds!'
gameStarted: '&greenThe game started! The seeker is &yellow[{PLAYER}]!'
timeToHide: '&aquaHiders have {AMOUNT} seconds to hide!'
timeBeforeRelease: '&redSeeker(s) will be released in {AMOUNT} seconds!'
seekerReleased: '&greenThe seeker(s) has been released!'
hiderFound: '&redHider &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redwas found! {COUNT} hider(s) left!'
foundYourself: '&redSeeker &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redfound yourself!'
seekerFount: '&redSeeker &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redwas found... Oops!'
gaveUpKill: '&redHider &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redgave up by killing yourself! {COUNT}
hider(s) left!'
gaveUpLeft: '&redHider &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redgave up and left the game!'
seekerLeft: '&redSeeker &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redgave up and left the game!'
notEnough: '&redGame stopped! Not enough players'
hidersWin: '&greenGame over! Hiders win!'
seekersWin: '&greenGame over! Seekers win!'
tpback: '&aquaYou will be teleported back in {SECONDS} seconds!'
seekerFound: '&redSeeker &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redwas found... Oops!'
seekerLeftNew: '&redSeeker &yellow[{PLAYER}] &redgave up and left the game! &yellow[{SEEKER}]
&redis seeker now!'
kit: '&l_purpleType &yellow/kitlist &l_purpleto get kit list; Type &yellow/getkit
[kit] &l_purpleto get kit; If you want to leave game type &yellow/leaveHideAndSeek&l_purple.'
left: '&yellow{PLAYER} &aqualeft the game!'
shift: '&greenWhen you hide, press and hold the ''SHIFT'' button to hide your nick.' (ONLY IN OLDEST VERSION)
seekerhave: '&greenSeeker have {SECONDS} seconds to find all hiders!'
onlyLeft: '&redOnly {SECONDS} seconds left!'
inRoom: '&aquaHider &yellow[{PLAYER}] &aqua in the &yellow[{ROOM}] &aquaroom!'
Editing seeker kit:
There is no way to edit seeker kit using in-game commands, but there is two ways to do it: using another kit or directly in config file.
Using another kit:
Create new kit called 'seeker2' (Read Setting Up: Creating kits)
Then open config.yml file and find it at kit section
Copy kit contents and paste it in seeker kit.
Then delete 'seeker2' kit (Read Setting Up: Creating kits)
Directly in config file:
The harder way is write it in config file.
Open config.yml file and find seeker kit in kit section.
Delete (BackUp) kit contents and write new kit.
items: - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack type: [ITEM_NAME] meta: ==: ItemMeta meta-type: UNSPECIFIC enchants: [ENCHANT]: [LEVEL] effects: - ==: PotionEffect effect: [EFFECT_ID] duration: [DURATION] amplifier: [AMPLIFIER] ambient: true has-particles: false
Colours and Symbols:
To write messages you need to know how to use colours and symbols
#link (Link imitation ) EXAMPLE: #linkHTTPS://
#point EXAPMLE: #point : •
#smile_black EXAPMLE: #smile_black : ☻
#confused EXAPMLE: #confused : (⊙_⊙)
#wow EXAPMLE: #wow : (・о・)
#proud EXAPMLE: #proud : ( ̄^ ̄)
#sad2 EXAPMLE: #sad2 : ಠ_ಠ
#sad EXAPMLE: #sad : ☹
#smile2 EXAPMLE: #smile2 : ㋡
#smile3 EXAPMLE: #smile3 : ㋛
#smile4 EXAPMLE: #smile4 : ッ
#smile5 EXAPMLE: #smile5 : シ
#idk EXAPMLE: #idk : \_(ツ)_/
#smile EXAPMLE: #smile : ☺
$u (Underlined text ) EXAMPLE: $uTest : Test
$m (Magic text ) EXAMPLE: $mTest
$b (Bold text ) EXAMPLE: $bTest : Test
$s (Strikethrought text) EXAMPLE: $sTest : Test
$i (Italic text ) EXAMPLE: $iTest : Test
Additional plugins:
At all, this plugin can be used without additional plugins, but there is better to use two additional plugins:
World management plugin (MultiVerse-Core)
Anti-Grief plugin (WorldGuard )
NOTE: Protect map, hub and seeker room from fall-damage, mob-grief, grief ; Protect hub and seeker room from PVP (Allow PVP for map)