Holographic Displays

Holographic Displays


Issue with BungeeCord variables

Malvagio87 opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • '&f&l&oHC Factions: {status: factions}'
  • '&a{online: factions}/300'

I use those two lines for displays and the config is setup properly.

When i start my server, while the server is loading plugins, the display goes from Offline to Online, however, once its done loading the plugins and the server can be logged into, it goes back to Offline even though the server is now online.

Im running the latest version of spigot 1.8.8


Sorry for not answering on this. I will now close the issue since it's old, and assume it was a problem on your server specifically. If not, please answer and I will reopen it.