Feature request: Permission-based holograms
SlimeDog opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I would like a configurable option to display a specific hologram to a player only if they have a specific permission. Use case: Different groups could see different holograms (or none at all).
The permission could be defined in the hologram node (for example)
location: world_city, -558.5, 68.206, 79.5
- ' &aWelcome to The City. '
- ' &aVisit the restaurant in the office tower. '
- ' &7Right-click Jack to learn about his world. '
view-permission: holograms.view.city_spawn
or it could be on the hologram node id (same example)
This would only work with ProtocolLib installed. Features in the main plugin should work regardless of other plugins, so this would be better suited for an external plugin.
There could be concerns about lag, if there are many different holograms each with a different permission.
We are building an addon that would include this functionality. We'll post when there is more to say.
Thank you, I would be pleased to include it in the plugin description on Bukkit Dev.
Thanks. If you're interested, you can see a preview here. Please do not publish links to it until we go live (very soon -- we're in final testing).
pHD is up on Spigot. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/phd.77631/