Updating a line without update-lag
manuel-rw opened this issue ยท 1 comments
My goal ist to crate an 3 dimensional menu with floating items & texts in the air.
Each menu item is displayed as an armorstand, with an custom name.
Calculated by following code, i also add a moving hologramm at the top of the players screen:
public void onMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) {
if (warps_cancel.containsKey(e.getPlayer().getName())) {
Player p = e.getPlayer();
Hologram holo = hologramms.get(p.getName());
Vector direction = p.getLocation().getDirection().normalize();
Location add = p.getLocation().add(direction);
The text of it gets updated by following code:
String next = animationHashMap.get(p.getName()).getContent();
Hologram holo = hologramms.get(p.getName());
While removing all lines and finally adding a new one (with the new animation content, provided by the "animationHashMap", it slightly stucks for a few ticks and i wont move by the MoveEvent.
Any suggetions to update the text more smooth, so it wont lag back every time the content is changed?