Holographic Displays

Holographic Displays


Item holograms falling to the ground

Esronn opened this issue ยท 3 comments



Item holograms fall to the ground.
After creating item hologram through BetonQuest, I've discovered that the items fall to the ground after a while. I have now tried it directly through HD and not using beton, still happens for us. We assume it's a plugin mis-match and something to do the areas being unloaded and then loaded.
It could take up to 20min after loading up before we discover a item hologram fallen to the ground.

How to reproduce

So far we've tried everything we can think of + devs from the Beton team have tried and we can not report a 100% safe reproduction step by step.


  • Server version (output of /version):
  • Holographic Displays version (check with /hd):
  • ProtocolLib version, if installed (check with /protocol version):
  • Do you use plugins to allow players to join with multiple Minecraft versions (such as ViaVersion, ProtocolSupport, ...):

Server version: git-Tuinity-"502d57b" (MC: 1.16.5)
HolographicDisplays (2.4.6-SNAPSHOT-b163)
ProtocolLib (4.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b492)
We do have viaversion.

Full plugin list of that server:
AdvancedAchievements, AdvancedRegionMarket, AnnouncerPlus, AntiTNTDupe, ARIA, AuctionHouse, BetonQuest, BigDoors, BigDoorsOpener, BlockParticles, BungeeGuard, CalebCompass, ChatControlRed, Citizens, CMI, CMIPaperLib, CoreProtect, CraftingStore, CrazyCrates, CustomCrafting, CustomGUI, DailyBonus, DeluxeMenus, Denizen, DiscordSRV, DungeonsXL, dynmap, Dynmap-Towny, EcoEnchants, EffectLib, Emotes, EntityTrackerFixer, FakeBlock, FastAsyncWorldEdit, HolographicDisplays, InteractionVisualizer, InteractiveBoard, Jobs, LibsDisguises, LightAPI, LiteBans, LuckPerms, LWC, LWCTrust, MCJukebox, mcMMO, MineSecure, MiniaturePets, MIReplacer, MMOItems, MobFarmManager, ModelEngine, ModelEngineEX, Multiverse-Core, MyCommand, MysqlPlayerDataBridge, MythicLib, MythicMobs, PacketListenerApi, PlaceholderAPI, Plan, PlugMan, PrometheusExporter, ProtocolLib, PvPManager, SelectionVisualizer, Shop, ShopGUIPlus, SilkSpawners, spark, StaffFacilities, SuperTrailsPro, SurvivalInvisiframes, TAB-BukkitBridge, TeleCraft, TokenManager, Towny, TownyNameUpdater, TradeMe, UltimateVotes, Vault, Vehicles, VehiclesFlags, ViaVersion, ViewDistanceTweaks, WolfyUtilities, WorldBorder, WorldGuard, WorldGuardExtraFlags

Additional context

We have tried disabling plugin after plugin and are not yet successful in finding what it could be, it takes a while for the bug to appear at times.

Example Screenshot:
What it looks like before the bug happens:


Please try without ViaVersion, and if that doesn't work try using Spigot instead of Tuinity. This is probably be a server issue, I remember that the same bug was happening on old versions. I will add a workaround if this also happens on standard Spigot without other plugins (and if it's possible to do it).


I use Paper and this does not happen. This is most probably a Tuinity-related issue. I would suggest using Paper instead of Tuinity as it's more stable and has most of the optimizations you need (most of Tuinity additions get merged in Paper after being tested)


Hello, can confirm now that it's not viaversion or tuinity, must be a third party plugin we run.