For noobs
Someone-NEW opened this issue ยท 6 comments
So how the hex i can download any of this RAR or ZIP files that... ok ithis i know heh but i need jar file i realy dont want download zips files i need a jar file and i dont know how i will be happy when you can have here a link about latest one for download a JAR file thanks
wtf are you talking about? xD If you want the jar just download it from the HoloraphicDisplays bukkit page
Cool do you mean i dont know about that, dude here is updated to 1.12 omg yes i mean this version that i see is only here look around before you say some stupid but sorry dude i realy dont know how i can have a jar file from this files here i try with online converter from rar to jar but nothing work.
Thank you i know i am tested it but i download this and open old one with winrar and just transfer this files there and for now work but is this option not ideal i just want to know how use this files from github to jar files. somewhere i can see on wiki github links about latest dowload but not here :D
@Someone-NEW To put it bluntly, you shouldn't.
The code on Github is experimental if you don't know programming, and have troubles telling between ready to release code, and not yet ready.
This project doesn't have releases tagged, so you wouldn't even be able to start to know when something was 100% ready without learning java.
Additionally, downloading the source and copying it into the compiled jar binary is not how you compile a project.
Depending on the exact project, programming language, or build tools used, it could be as easy as a single command, or a night fuelled by headaches trying to get someone elses project to compile.
This project is not set up with any build chain tools committed into the repository, so it will not be straight forward to compile this yourself.