- 1
Placeholders not updating
#562 opened by Darkwolf202 - 3
Snapshot not parsing objective expansion for PlaceholdersAPI
#561 opened by mstaffa - 1
Default Placeholders not working 1.18.1
#560 opened by iAmReprisal - 2
Deploy API snapshots of 3.0.0
#559 opened by NotMyFault - 1
Command interface suggestion
#558 opened by kmecpp - 1
I cannot edit a display with A capital letter.
#555 opened by Zepwon - 4
High % of Server Tick
#554 opened by James-Cotterill - 1
Plugin does not work
#553 opened by DasYannic - 1
API 3.0.0 beta->production
#551 opened by SlimeDog - 2
Cannot use Placeholders of PlaceholderAPI
#550 opened by iFlyinq - 1
Color codes not working anymore (animations)
#549 opened by Jeppa - 3
Holographic placeholder updater (Holographic Extension doesnt work)
#548 opened by ReformedHooper - 2
API Question
#547 opened by silverfox0000 - 6
Error while ticking holograms java.lang.NullPointerException
#546 opened by ebicep - 2
All of my holograms suddenly disappeared
#545 opened by TacosTM - 6
Math placeholderapi not working
#544 opened by Askarionn - 2
Error in console.
#543 opened by HooohoGames - 2
Add access to HolographicDisplays holograms through the API
#542 opened by mart-r - 10
Separate refresh rates
#540 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
HD reload breaks all holograms
#539 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
v3 entities
#538 opened by ILikeOrangeJuice - 12
HologramDisplays Error while decoding player count from Bungee
#537 opened by FootClick - 6
#536 opened by DrakMC - 2
Creating and moving holograms on specific coordinates using command
#535 opened by MadPanCake - 2
please update 1.18!
#534 opened by CraftBlack - 31
Performance issues
#533 opened by WarnDa - 1
Adventure Component
#532 opened by kamcio96 - 4
Deletes the config
#531 opened by Deeptanil - 1
Server version not supported error message
#530 opened by sugonmad - 14
Need 1.18 support urgently
#529 opened by kalleswe - 3
No-Tick-View-Distance - Hiding Holo grams
#528 opened by Tabletopcheese - 1
Make line visible to only one player
#527 opened by Elikill58 - 1
Possible to hide holograms when not looking at them
#524 opened by srnyx - 1
"No API implementation set. Is Holographic Displays enabled?" but HolographicDisplays is loaded and enabled
#523 opened by MattW-source - 1
MainListener#ChunkUnloadEvent results in loop-crash in latest spigot 1.17.1 !!!
#522 opened by Jeppa - 1
Problem with Holograms displaying when they should not.
#521 opened by ZimmernatorG - 3
ProtcollLib spamming my ocnsole.
#520 opened by XipsAhoy - 1
Support for holographic displays of chests.
#519 opened by ErythroCraft - 2
RelativePlaceholder's doesn't work in API.
#518 opened by vortexthedev - 1
HEX Color support
#516 opened by FrontierPixelmon - 1
Delayed movement with API usage
#515 opened by BenHall-1 - 1
api maven update please!
#514 opened by TOWUK - 1
HologramsAPI#getRegisteredPlaceholders throws NPE
#513 opened by Workinq - 1
Hologram Pages
#511 opened - 2
Being able to animate whole hologram, not only make one changing line with animated placeholder.
#510 opened by THEqqBULDIpp - 1
(HologramAPI) getName() doesn't exist?
#509 opened by wallysaurus - 1
there are no holograms yet create one with /holo create Yet i see holograms i dont want there
#508 opened by bramfreul - 3
Shutdown spam still happening.
#507 opened by andrewkm - 3
Could not pass event EntityDamageByBlockEvent
#506 opened by Deathinflames - 2
Unhandled exception executing command 'hologram' in plugin
#505 opened by goosesima