HomePlus [1.9 - 1.16.1] ▸Set your home, highly configurable ● PRE-RELASE

With the version (v.3.9) you need to delete the config.yml file, if you used an older version.
● Introduction ●

HomePlus is a very light plugin that will allow you to set up your home. It is an essential plugin for surival-type servers that want to keep fewer plugins.
The plugin comes with many customization like: Titles,Sounds,Messages,Ranks & more!!
It's really easy and quick to use!

● Images ●
● Commands & Permissions ●
  • /sethome <home> - This command allows you to set up your home (no permissions).
  • /delhome <home> - This command allows you to delete a house you have previously set (no permissions).
  • /home <home> - Use this command to teleport from a house you set up (no permissions)
  • /hp - Show you all available settings (homeplus.help)
  • /hp reload - Reload Homeplus settings and messages (homeplus.reload)
● Admin & VIP Permissions ●
  • homeplus.homes.vip - Bypass the default limit
  • homeplus.homes.mvp - Bypass the VIP limit
  • homeplus.homes.admin - Homeplus [admin] commands.
● Features ●
  • HomePlus is fully configurable, so you can change almost all features and messages. For example: you can change all titles messages in your messages.yml file. (70%)
  • Homeplus has a fantastic countdown, constantly improving. (60%)
  • Homeplus has an advanced settings system, which allows you to configure messages, directly into the game! (30%)
  • Homeplus has a great rank system, with customizable messages! (95%)
  • Homeplus has very few bugs, which are almost always fixed quickly! (98%)
  • HomePlus lets players can create their own personal homes in the world, that they can teleport back with a command. (100%)
  • Homeplus allows you to decide in which world you can set up a home. (100%)
HomePlus is a free plugin, but if you want to support me and my codes you can do it by clicking on this image.
Thank you!❤️️
If you have any questions or issues, please contact with me in private message on Bukkit, not in the review section.