


Did you ever want a plugin that offers warp, spawn AND home? Then HomeSpawnWarp is the best teleporting plugin for you! HomeSpawnWarp is a very basic lightweight teleporting plugin. It is made so that you can customize almost every single message. Don't forget to donate, because that helps me a lot!


  • /sethome [homename]: this command allows you to set your home at the position where you are standing, so that you can teleport to this home location later. You can also specify a custom homename.
  • /home [homename]: with this command you can teleport to your home location set with the /home command.
  • /homelist: displays all your homes.
  • /delhome [homename]: deletes the specified home. If none specified your default home will be deleted.
  • /setspawn: this command sets the worldspawn to your current location for you.
  • /spawn: teleports you to the worldspawn.
  • /setwarp <warpname> [price]: sets a public warp to your current location. You can also set a custom price for the warp.
  • /warp <warpname>: this command gives you the possibility to teleport to the given warplocation.
  • /warplist: prints a list of available warps.
  • /delwarp <warpname>: deletes a warp.
  • /warpto <player>: sents a warpto request to the specified player.
  • /warpaccept: accepts the last received warpto request.


To go to the permissions page, click here.

To-Do list

(From important to almost not important)

  1. Make multihomes more configurable. Done in version v0.9
  2. Add warmups.Done in version v0.9
  3. Add commands: /warpto or /wt to warp to others.Done in version v0.9
  4. Add optional costs to commands via Vault.Done in version v0.9
  5. Create permission groups for different costs.Done in version v0.9.1
  6. Update this page with more tutorials, and a list of all features.
  7. Add localisations.
  8. Add super nice effects to player teleports.v0.9.2
  9. Add multihome support. Done in version v0.8
  10. Add option for lightweight mode. Done in version v0.6
  11. Add option to choose between one central spawn, or for every world a spawn. Done in version v0.6
  12. Add listeners to spawn the player at an exact position. Done in version v0.6

Config & Messages

Some tips for editing:

  • Only edit the files when the server is NOT running, otherwise you might lose data.
  • Don't use tabs, use spaces instead because tabs will give you errors.
  • Use a reliable text editor like Notepad plus plus.
  • If you have to use signs like . , ; ' e.g, put the whole entry in quotes.
  • If you want to reset the file, just remove the file entirely while the server is not running.


GitHub reponsority for this project:


Thanks to all the donators:

  • Joshua Guttilla
  • Jennifer


Thanks to codename_B for the fireworkeffects on teleportation :D