SalamiJack's Hookshot Plugin!
Version: v1.3.3
HookShot is a plugin that allows users to fire an arrow as a "hook", and then use string to pull themselves towards it! Right-Click whilst holding arrows to fire a "hook", then right-click whilst holding string to "pull" yourself towards the hook! Consumes string per use!
Now Uses Permissions! Add 'hookshot.use' to use! Hooks are NOT a replacement for bows, hooks no longer do damage!
- Right-Click whilst holding arrows to fire them as a "hook"!
- Right-Click whilst holding string to "pull" yourself to the hook!
- Allows another use for string!
- Scale tall mountains with ease!
- Editable config allows you to set the "hook" item, "pull" item, "pull" cost, and if there's a cost at all!
- Want to scale up flat walls? Holding shift, then "pulling" causes a block to be placed beneath you simulating you "gripping" the wall. When you stop holding shift, the blocks disappears.
Version 1.3.3
- Updated code to adapt pulling differently based on hook to player distance formula. Hopefully should reduce issues with moved wrongly errors.
- Fixed exceptions thrown when skeletons shoot arrows.
- Fixed exception thrown when players right-click with string with no hook fired.
Version 1.3.2
- Updated EntityListener to ensure hooks do not damage players or mobs.
- Players can no longer pull to their hooks unless it has landed. No more flight
- Changed Dirt block to Glass
Version 1.3.1
- Attempted to fix odd Permissions issue...
Version 1.3.0
- Cleaned up source code and updated it to the repository.
- Made the "pulling" cleaner and more efficient, should result in much less movement errors
- Dirt blocks now correctly disappear
- The hook now has 10 more blocks of range in all directions
- Half blocks are no longer destroyed when pulled to
- Damage issue should be mostly resolved
Version 1.2.2
- Fixed glitch that caused players to teleport sequentially to their past hooks and place non-disappearing dirt blocks there.
Version 1.2.1
- Fixed the issue allowing other players to use your hook.
Version 1.2
- Added Pull Simulation
- Added config file which lets you edit the hook item, pull item, pull cost, and if there's a cost for pulling at all
- Hopefully* fixed the glitch allowing players to be sent to other player's hooks
- Hopefully* fixed noclip error
- Want to scale up flat walls? Holding shift, then "pulling" causes a block to be placed beneath you simulating you "gripping" the wall. When you stop holding shift, the blocks disappears.
Versions 1.1.1
- Added support for non-permission users
Version 1.1
- Added Permissions support ('hookshot.use')
- Arrows now correctly subtract, you can still pick up the "hook"
- Hooks do not damage monsters, animals, or players.
Version 1.0
- First Release!