- Player spawn manager -
- Player groups with different options
- Multiworld
- Bed respawning option
- Teleport to spawn on join option
- Safe Y positions
- Command interface
- Links to permission groups through Vault
- Using Gravity's Updater
- Does exactly what it should, and nothing more
- spawn [player]: Teleport to spawn.
- spawn set <group> [world x y z] [pitch yaw]: set group spawn point.
- spawn remove <group> <world>: Remove group spawn point.
- spawn reload: Reload hSpawn.
- spawn help: Help for the spawn command.
- hspawn.*: All hSpawn permissions.
- hspawn.command.*: Permission for all commands.
- hspawn.command.spawn: Permission for spawn command.
- hspawn.command.spawnothers: Permission for spawn <player> command.
- hspawn.command.setspawn: Permission for spawn set command.
- hspawn.command.removespawn: Permission for spawn remove command.
- hspawn.command.reload: Permission for spawn reload command.
- hspawn.command.help: Permission for spawn help command.
Config (config.yml)
Key | Description | Value type |
enable | Enable plugin | Boolean |
safe_y | Make locations safe by increasing y-position | Boolean |
check_for_updates | Check for plugin updates | Boolean |
Spawn points (spawns.yml)
This YAML file is grouped into world sections, and then group sections. Every world will have a "default" group. If none of the other groups matches the player group, the default group will be used. Other groups than the default group does not need all keys, and will inherit missing values from the default group. If the "spawn_world" value is different from the world of the spawn, the plugin searches for a matching spawn for the player in that world. The group section keys are described below.
Group section key | Description | Value type |
x | x-position | Double (decimal number) |
y | y-position | Double (decimal number) |
z | z-position | Double (decimal number) |
pitch | pitch-rotation | Float (decimal number) |
yaw | yaw-rotation | Float (decimal number) |
spawn_world | Which world the player should spawn in | String |
tp_to_spawn_on_join | If the player should be teleported to spawn when he/she joins the server | Boolean |
bed_respawn | If the player should respawn next to his/her bed. | Boolean |
Version 1.1 and later uses Gravity's Updater which will automagically download the latest version of this plugin, if there is a new version available. To disable this feature, set check_for_updates
in config.yml
to false