What is httptools?
With this plugin you can make http requests to a web server with variables.Commands
* /ht run <url> [selected player] - Run url Note: [selected player] can be replaced by @p, @a or @r in a command block!* /ht variables - All variables
When running a url you can use variables like: /ht run http://mysite.com/mypage.php?hello=hey and then can you make a php script that can get the request. Or you can use inbuilt variables like: /ht run http://mysite.com/mypage.php?player=%s&version=%ver.Tutorials
Variable examples here
Programming language here
Php examples here
* httptools.main - Access /ht* httptools.run - Access /ht run <url>
* httptools.varlist - Access /ht variables
Docs, getting started and tutorials: here!
If you don't have a website you can create scripts here!
I don't have many ideas for this so why not comment a idea?
Planned features (MAYBE ADDED)
* Loop - Loop lines many times* Goto - Goto lines
Sorry for no updates, im doing a big update with events, shortcuts, loops with more! Follow me on twitter if you want to know when the new update is coming!
Follow me on twitter!
The next update is pretty much done i have some small stuff todo but the thing is bukkit will not continue.
So why would i update it?