Hub - By ErkePannekake

Hub - By ErkePannekake


Hub is a lightweighted hub plugin wich only is 4kb big. this make it really fast and minimal lag. It may get more complicated sincer this only is the Beta v1.0. but i wil make sure it is a t the minimal size to get most experience.
Author: ErkSterk/ErkePannekake

Original Posted at spigot:

/sethub - sets the hub location.
/hub - teleports to the hub.
/hubinfo - displays version and author.

May come in the future:
- Double jump in lobby
- Speed in Lobby
- Hide and show players
- World selector
- Most likely not but pets :D

Known Bugs:
1 - minor bug, Saying you have no permission when you use /hub.
but it says you warp after and it works. working on it to be published on BETA 1.1

Please report Glitches/Bugs so i can fix them!

We have permissions set up in the plugin.
hub.SetHub - sets the hub.
hub.Hub - teleports to the hub
hub.Notify - notifies Admins of errors.

To install put it in the plugins folder
If you like the plugin please rate it ;)
This plugin is free in all ways but i take donations!
If you wish to support me check out my Patreon: