I do what mojang does not

I do what mojang does not



Feature IDWMDS Mojang
DispenserColorApplier 17.12.2023
VillagerOnALeash 18.12.2023
FlowerColorApplier 18.12.2023


Dispensers can apply color to Sheep.


  • neverDispenseDye - If true, dispensers will never dispense dye
  • ignoreBabySheep - If false, baby sheep can be dyed
  • ignoreSameColoredSheep - If false, sheep with the same color can be dyed
  • ignoreNamedSheep - If false, named sheep can be dyed
  • ignoreColoredSheep - If false, colored sheep can be dyed


Villagers can be leashed


  • ignoreJoblessVillager - If false, jobless villagers can be leashed
  • ignoreBabyVillager - If false, baby villagers can be leashed
  • ignoreAdventureMode - If false, villagers can be leashed in adventure mode
  • ignoreNamedVillager - If false, named villagers can be leashed
  • ignoreWorkingVillager - If false, working villagers can be leashed


Sheeps can eat flowers and get the color of the flower


  • ignoreBabySheep - If false, baby sheep can eat flowers
  • ignoreColoredSheep - If false, colored sheep can eat flowers
  • ignoreNamedSheep - If false, named sheep can eat flowers

Coming soon:

  • Zombie villagers can be leashed

Maybe in the future:

  • Dispensers can apply color to leather armor on armor stands and players
  • Dispensers can apply color to Wolf collars


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<img alt="bstats" src="https://bstats.org/signatures/bukkit/i-do-what-mojang-does-not.svg">