- Bankaccounts: Everybody with the permission can create a bankaccount, where he can deposit,transfer or withdraw money.
- Interest: Everybody with a bankaccount, will get interest, but you can set different interests per region or account.
- Regions: iBank can be bound to a region or just work globally like all economy plugins.
- Loan: Everybody with a bankaccount, can request a Loan, has a maximum time to pay its Loan, if this time is exceeded, the configured settings will be used. For example his Interest will go in Loan or his money will be taken.
- Fee: For deposit,withdraw,transfer and open you can set a fee, the user will have to pay if he wants to do the action
- RealisticMode: See https://github.com/iBa/iBank/blob/master/src/resources/config.yml for detailed configuration, allows you to specify an account which is the loan's source and payback's destination.
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Thanks to
- MarPra - Created the logo
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