Impact is a Fun mod that makes falling entities cause impact craters. The bigger the fall - the bigger the crater.
And now with V2.0 it has 100% more falling blocks. You can now select an impact type that flings blocks in the air instead of a 'simple' explosion.
Warning: This will cause a mess in your worlds!
BACKUP before use.
If fact - if you haven't backed up your worlds recently - go do it now even if your not going to use this plugin. :)
To help mitigate some of the wanton destruction Impact will hook up to both Factions and CreeperHeal. CreeperHeal can be set to repair the Impacts - even when using falling block style Impacts.
Factions integration allows block Scattering Impacts only in "warzone" and "wilderness" leaving claimed land and safezone safe from destruction.
Current Version: 2.0
debugmode: false
Spams the server log with falling data.
debugMode: false
Enable extra debugging messages in server logs.
heavyMobs: [Giant]
List of entities not thrown into air by an Impact
impactMobs: [All]
List of mob types that cause Impacts
playersImpact: true
Do players Impact? This overrides the permissions node. Set to true and use the node if you require per/player control - for example as a passive/permissions skill for Heroes.
playersHeavy: false
Are players heavy?
minFall: 5
distance fallen before impacts "crater". Settings less than 5 may cause impacts as part of regular Mob pathfinding - be warned.
impactTpye: [explode|scatter|rise]
Determines the type of impact. Explode produces an explosion at the point of impact. The impacting mob is not damaged by this explosion, others are as normal. Rise throws the blocks around directly upwards into the air. Scatter throws blocks up and slightly away from the impact point.
These configure options only apply to explosions.
explosionScale: 10.0
For every explosionScale blocks dropped (over the minimum) an extra 1 is added to explosion strength. E.g. by default config - a fall of 36 blocks would yeild ((36-5)/10)+1 = 4 the same as TNT -
These configuration options only apply to rise and scatter.
fixHoles: false
Only applied if CreeperHeal is present. If so, flung blocks are passed to CreeperHeal. It's recommended that you edit CreeperHeal's advanced.yml to set drop-overwritten-blocks: to false OR set blockFalling to true to prevent duplicates.
dropBlocks: false
Should dropped blocks drop items if they break on landing?
blockFalling: false
Should falling blocks be stopped from landing? If true blocks that rise/scatter will vanish on landing - best used with CreeperHeal and fixHoles set to true
dropChance: 95
%age of blocks that don't drop on breaking.
throwScale: 5.0
For every throwScale blocks dropped (over the minimum) an extra 1 is added to impact radius. E.g. by default config - a fall of 36 blocks would give radius ((36-5)/5)+1 = 7 blocks
These configuration options only apply to scatter.
spread: 0.1
How far outward blocks are scattered.
None yet.
This node prevents the recipient make impact craters.
Source Code
2.0: Rewrite. Added two new impact modes. 1.0: Initial release
To Do
More control over Impact strength. Some kind of anti-grief tools.
Known Bugs/Conflicts
Worlds. Impact conflicts with your would maps and WILL seriously damage your world!!
Donations of any amount are, of course appreciated :)
Contributions go towards maintaining my development server to encourage continued development, Impact is solo coded by me, so if you think that time is worth something then hit the button in the top right! ;)