

InactiveLockette - Simply authorize your player to remove lockette of inactive players.
Last Update: 14/01/2013
As SupprInactiveLockette use only few simple Bukkit-API functions, it will probably dont need more than 1 update/year.
SupprInactiveLockette is now on github, feel free to fork/commit!

On big issue with Lockette is handling the lockette let by inactive players.
If you too are sick to see your moderator losing their time with player who ask to remove old lockette, this plugin is for you.

SupprInactiveLockette is simple, it's authorize your player to suppr a Lockette of an inactive player.

Current features:
-Check if the owner of the Lockette is inactive (default: >30 days of inactivity)
-Clear the inventory of the chest
-Handle double chest/furnace/dispenser/door
-Of course, remove the Lockette.
-On GitHub

Next features:

How to install:
Simply put the .jar in your plugin folder and reload your serveur.

Config file:

  1. default config.yml
    DaysLimit: 30
    clearAllItem: true
    debug: false
    You can choose the number of days for inactivity and if you want to clear/delete item in chest/furnace/dispenser.

How it works:
You user simply click on a lockette, if the lockette belongs to an inactive player it will be remove.

Backup your world first!
Warning: My player only use 1 lockette per player, so this plugin only look for the first player on the sign!