Info Book

Info Book


Info Book


InfoBook is simple bukkit plugin which have only one purpose. On first player login you can give free books with your content. You can put there informations about player commands, how to get VIP status or whatever you want. Player will get book only once (you can give more than one) and book content can be changed through config

Important informations

  • Book have 14 lines per page
  • Line can have 19 chars
  • In page definitions you can use color codes
  • If you need new line use &x

Update Checking

This plugin utilizes Gravity's update checker to notify when a new version of the plugin is out - it will not automatically download the new version. This can be enabled or disabled in the config.yml. To disable update-checking, set version-check to false.


command permission description
infobook list infobook.list List available books
infobook reload infobook.reload Reload confuguration
infobook get <book> infobook.get Get book <book> if its defined in config
infobook save <book> Save book from your hand into config as <book>
infobook delete <book> infobook.delete Delete book <book> from config
infobook give <player> <book> infobook.give Give <book> for <player>

Default config

Configuration sample below. Inside onlogin list you can put more than one book name which player will get on first login. above you need to define that book with params author, title and list of pages.

# InfoBook

# Plugin should check for new versions and inform you on server start?
version-check: false

# Language file
language: en

# Every player will got books from that list on first login
  - bookname

# Show book content on login without giving it into inventory
# put 'null' word to disable that option
# If you want display info on every login put book name
# on dontsave list
showonlogin: null

# delay in seconds
showonlogin-delay: 2

# Player cannot drop books from that list.
  - bookname

# You can decide what books from onlogin list will not save
# information that player got it already, so players will get
# that books on every login. 
  - bookname

# You can destroy book on drop from inventory
destroy-on-drop: false

# If true you need to add permission node:
# without that perms, player will not autoget books
per-book-permissions: false

# Book definition
    slot: 9
    author: 'Admin'
    title: 'Informations'
      - 'First line'
      - 'Second line'
      - '&cInformation book &x &x&0Here you &xcan put &xinformations.'
      - 'Second page of our book.'