Individual Messages


Add dynamic chat prefixes, or send chat messages unique to the receiver


Have you ever wanted to display a user's balance, or the system time as a prefix?
This plugin allows you to replace {placeholders} or specific words with user specific messages.
- Evaluates per player
- Placeholders can be used in any message e.g. from console or in commands etc
- Permissions to use placeholders in chat/commands
- Easy to use scripts to add your own
- Developer API


With this plugin, placeholders can be replaced with information about whoever is reading it e.g.
- {player} - the player name
- {money} - the players money
- {group} - the users group
But you may also want (in terms of prefixes) to have the information to be about a specific player.
In this case you can use modifiers to have it evaluate for whoever the prefix is on, heres an example
- {money:{sender}}
- {group:{sender}}
- {lvl:{sender}}
These placeholders can simply be put in your EssentialsChat or whatever chat manager you have
See below for comprehensive information concerning the placeholders

[Me testing the plugin] Want your video here?


This plugin requires the several other plugins to function correctly:
- ProtocolLib (used to update the packets)
- Vault (used for permissions, economy and chat integration)


/inme listLists all the placeholders
/inme help <placeholder>Information on how to use a placeholder
/inme reloadreloads the plugininme.reload
/inme disabledisabled a placeholderinme.disable
/inme enableenables a disabled placeholderinme.enable

[Additional Permissions]

- inme.create - Needed to use any placeholder (Give it to everyone)
- inme.create.* - allows you to use everything
- inme.create.<placeholder> - allows you to use a specific placeholder.


- {player}
- {sender} <- The original player who called the script
- {world}
- {x}
- {y}
- {z}
- {lvl}
- {exp}
- {money}
- Click here for a detailed list.


- Custom placeholders go in the folder ".../plugins/IndividualMessages/scripts/"
- Any additional placeholders will go there.
- To add your own copy the default template "example.yml"
- The placeholder for "example.yml" would be {example}

  - if {hasperm:hello}
  - return &1Hello!
  - else
  - return &4Bye!

- Please visit the scripting page for more info.

[Developer API]

The API allows you to create placeholders or replacers without having to worry about all the protocol stuff: - Click here for the developer API

Useful links:

- Individual Messages on GitHub

[Other Projects]

- SignRanks

- CompassModes

- WorldeditRegions

- VoxelSniperRegions

- IndividualSignsPlus

- AdvShop

- IndividualSignsPlus

- IndividualHolograms

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