



iWorldPanel is a plugin that allows users (mainly admins) to control the world they are in, and gather information about it. It is currently under development, meaning that some commands may be broken, but they will be fixed in updates ASAP! The plugin allows admins to save, clear entities, display the seed and players, generate trees, display the maximum build height, explode and zap their own world through commands! Instead of editing your world and gathering information about it using config files, get them ingame or change them ingame using this plugin for world options! Here is a list of the current commands in iWorldPanel 1.0:


  • /iworldpanel - Shows all the commands for iWorldPanel (Aliases: iwp).
  • /iworldpanel save - Saves the world you're in.
  • /iworldpanel clear - Clears all entities in the world you're in.
  • /iworldpanel seed - Shows the seed for your world.
  • /iworldpanel players - Shows all players in the world you're in.
  • /iworldpanel tree - Generates a tree in your world.
  • /iworldpanel maxheight - Shows the maximum build height in your world.
  • /iworldpanel explode - Creates an explosion at your location.
  • /iworldpanel zap - Strikes lightning at your location.

The permissions are also very basic for the plugin, as they are simply myworld.<command> Here is a list of them anyway, just to help you understand more:


  • - iworldpanel.iworldpanel
  • - iworldpanel.save
  • - iworldpanel.clear
  • - iworldpanel.seed
  • - iworldpanel.players
  • - iworldpanel.tree
  • - iworldpanel.maxheight
  • - iworldpanel.explode
  • - myworld.zap


No configuration required!

That's all the plugin really has to offer right now. It is a useful plugin for admins who want to keep proper control over their world and check their status. I hope you admins out there get the most out of they can with this new plugin!