IOCore 1.0
IOCore is a developer library, for developers that need simple methods and configurations for create anythings.
For see more read below, like the IOCore funciton like developer library.
The IOCore library was created by bearsoft, and was think about help others developers that need simple methods, for create anythings, then now is IOCore.
- 1º: Download the library.
- 2º: Add library on your project.
- 1º: How to create a simple scheduler. IOScheduler.runTaskScheduler(Runnable runnable, long delay, long period, String taskType, String taskId) Runnable - represents that will happen in your scheduler. Delay - represents the delay for start the period, (because this a repeater task). Period - period for the task perform the Runnable Task Type - represents the task type, like ("ASYNC" or "SYNC) Task Id - represents the task id, for after can cancel this task.
- 2º: How to create a simple item. ItemStack item = new IOItem(Material.STONE, 1, 0).setName("test").setLore("test lore1", "test lore2").build() Material.STONE - represents the type of material of item. 1 - represents the quantity of item. 0 - represents the id of item. setName(String) - represents the method that set name of item. setLore(String...) - represents the method that set lore of item. build - this method build item for converter to ItemStack, because the constructor of item is IOItem
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