Item Stack Reloaded

Item Stack Reloaded


Item Stack Reloaded [1.8-1.14.4]

This plugin allows you to stack items of the same type that you are holding and items that otherwise are not stackable.

You are able to stack ANY item, including custom items with custom NBT tags.

All items will be stacked into FULL stacks of the default size 64. The default stack size is configurable and you are also able to set different stack sizes for different items.

Current features:

  • Ability to stack items using one command: /stackitems
    • Supports:
    • Lava/Water buckets stacking
    • Potion stacking
    • Custom items with custom NBT data stacking
    • Armor, tools, blocks. Everything works!

NOTE: When using stacked water/lava buckets, the full stack will be consumed. This is due to how minecraft handles water placement events.

  • Set a default stack size in the config (min 1, max 127 - Default: 64)
  • Set a custom stack size for a specific item (e.g Lavabucket stacks can only contain 16 items)
  • Stacked Lava- and Waterbucket fix.
  • Custom messages (in config)
  • Fully configurable
  • Per player permissions (allow the stacking of certain blocks for certain players)
  • Per item permissions (allow the stacking of certain blocks)
  • Global permission



Stacks all items of the same type you are currently holding in your hand.


Global permission: itemstackreloaded.use

Grants the player access to the /stackitems command.

OBS! Per item permission needs to be enabled in the config.yml for this to work:

Specific item permission: itemstackreloaded.stack.<materialname>

Grants the player access to stack a certain type of item.

A list of all items can be found here:


# Thank you for using my plugin Item Stack Reloaded
# - Xiztence
# Permissions: Give players "itemstackreloaded.use" to allow use of the command.
# Per player permissions allow you to let some players stack certain items.
# Give a player the permission "itemstackreloaded.stack.<item>", e.g "itemstackreloaded.stack.LAVA_BUCKET" will allow stacking of lava buckets.
# A full list of item names can be found here:
# Per player permissions:
per_item_perms: false

# How many items should a stack contain?
# WARNING - Do not set this number above 127.
# Use "stack-size: 0" for the default stack size of the respective item.
stack_size: 64

# A full list of item names can be found here:
# Use the following format to define new items
  'WATER_BUCKET': '16'
  'LAVA_BUCKET': '16'

# Optional - change the chat formatting
# Use <PERM> for permission node, e.g "You do not have the <PERM> permission to use this command"
# Use <TYPE> for itemtype, e.g "You have stacked all <TYPE> items."
  'no_perm': '&7[&eItemStackReloaded&7]&c You are not permitted to use this command.'
  'no_itemperm': '&7[&eItemStackReloaded&7]&c You are not permitted to stack this item.'
  'no_player': '&7[&eItemStackReloaded&7]&c Only players can use this command.'
  'no_item': '&7[&eItemStackReloaded&7]&c You need to have the item you want to stack in your hand.'
  'stacked': '&7[&eItemStackReloaded&7]&7 All &a<TYPE>&7 items have been stacked.'

Thank you!

This plugin was heavily inspired by @Michel_0's itemstack plugin for 1.8. Continued support will be provided here since the other object has been abandoned.

Does your server use this plugin? Let me know and I will put you on this post! :)

If you have any suggestions for additional features or fixes, let me know!