AutoBroadcaster the message by the time you set! You can set Hour, Minutes, Second Also the Prefix!
Version: 1.5
- Ease of use!
- Support *1.4.(27)* and 1.5
- Broadcast Message in server.
- View stats/ turn on and off through command.
- All Color Code and Text Display supported!
- [Update]
- Support a new line by $n
== Download & Installation ==
1.) Download: via (Bukkit/Curse).
2.) Unzip it (Recommend use Winrar or other program).
3.) Put all the unziped file into your Server's Plugins folder.
4.) Set the setting you want(in plugin folder/ config.yml) and the message (in plugin folder / messages.txt)
5.) Done!
Color Code
- &4 Red
- &c Rose
- &6 Gold
- &e Yellow
- &2 Green
- &a Lightgreen
- &b Lightblue
- &3 Cyan
- &1 Navy
- &9 Blue
- &d Lightpurple
- &5 Purple
- &f White
- &7 Lightgray
- &8 Gray
- &0 Black
- &k jumbled text/random
- &l bold
- &m strikethrough
- &n underline
- &o italic
- $n Newline (New Future!!)
- /bstats: description: Show to stats and Infomation.
- /breload: description: Reload the time and messages.
- /bc: description: Prevents the broadcasting from continuing.
- /broadcast: description: Prevents the broadcasting from continuing.
Any Suggestion For Next Update? Post in the comment : ) ===
- Next Line by ($n)
# Auto Broadcast by @Jamesyahugh # Email: [email protected] title: '&6[AutoBroadcast]' timehour: 0 timemin: 0 timesec: 10
Author: Jamesyahugh Email: [email protected]