

This is an easy-to-use joinmessage plugin with lots of options.
  • Join/leave message is randomly chosen every time a player joins/leaves
  • Up to unlimited custom (first)join/leave messages
  • Custom title on join
  • Custom randomly chosen join message when a player joins for the first time ever
  • A custom personal Clickable and Hoverable join message
  • A silentmode that allows you to join and leave without sending a join/leave message to the other players
  • 1.12, 1.13 and 1.14 support
  • Use colorcodes in your messages
  • You can enable/disable all types of messages so it's perfect for your server.
1.8-1.11 support
You can also use this plugin on a 1.8, 1.9. 1.10 and 1.11 server, but not every feature is working at the moment. As long as you change, add and delete all messages in the config.yml and not using the commands the plugin will work fine. The only thing that you won't get is the join title.
I am working on a 1.8-1.11 version at the moment.
/join add (message)
   Add a join message to the config.
/join del
   Delete a join message from the config. When you perform this command you'll get a list with all join messages. When you click on a message it'll be deleted.
/join list
   Get a list with all join messages.
/leave add (message)
   Add a join message to the config.
/leave del
   Delete a leave message from the config. When you perform this command you'll get a list with all leave messages. When you click on a message it'll be deleted.
/leave list
   Get a list with all leave messages.
/firstjoin add
   Add a firstjoin message to the config.
/firstjoin del
   Delete a firstjoin message from the config. When you perform this command you'll get a list with all fistjoin messages. When you click on a message it'll be deleted..
/firstjoin list
   Get a list with all firstjoin messages.
/firstjoin enable
   Enable the firstjoin message. (The firstjoin message is enabled by default)
/firstjoin disable
   Disable the firstjoin message.
   The personaljoin message will be sent. Click on a line to edit or delete that line. Click on "add line" to add a new line. (You can add as many lines as you want.)
/personaljoin enable
   Enable the personal join message. (The personal join message is enabled by default)
/personaljoin disable
   Disable the personal join message.
   Enable/disable silent mode for yourself.
/silent (player)
   Enable/disable silent mode for another player.
/silent list
   Get a list with all players that are in silent mode.
   Get a message in the chat with some actions (change the title, change the subtitle, delete the subtitle, enable the title and disable the title) perform. Click a action to perform it.
/title enable
   Enable the join title. (The join title is enabled by default)
/title disable
   Disable the join title.
   Reload the plugin.
All permissions are default for operators.
   Permission to use /jmreload.
   Permission to use /join (add, del, list)
   Permission to use /leave (add, del, list)
   Permission to use /firstjoin (add, del, list, enable, disable)
   Permission to use /personaljoin (enable, disable)
   Permission to use /silent (player, list)
   Permission to use /title (enable, disable)
   Permission to use all the JoinMessage commands
Upcoming Features
- Remove players in silent mode from tab
- Bungeecord support
- Actionbar messages
- Placeholder API support
- Ranks (so you can change who sees which message)
- Option to save data from players when they quit (like their coördinates)
- A good working version for 1.8-1.11
Default Config.yml

# Made by Kboutr
# Version: 1.1
# Use %player% to get the name of the player who has joined/left the server.
# You can use colorcodes (&) in your messages!!
# Don't forget to use a ' on both sides of your messages.
# A new config.yml is available at the plugin download page.
# You can have unlimited messages!! (except for the title, subtitle and noperms message)
# -
# !!IMPORTANT!! You can change the messages here, but if you want to be sure everything works properly after you have changed something, I recommend using the commands!!
# Use /help joinmessage for all the commands!
# -
# Change the message that is sent when a player joins the server for the first time ever!
- '&7Welcome &b&l%player% &7on this server!'
- '&b&l%player% &7joined the server for the first time!'
# Choose whether the First_Join message is enabled or not.
enabled: true
# -
# Change the message that is sent when a player joins the server!
- '&b&l%player% &7entered the server!'
- '&b&l%player% &7joined the server!'
# -
# Change the message that is sent when a player leaves the server!
- '&b&l%player% &7left te server'
- '&b&l%player% &7quit!'
# -
# Change the message that is only sent to the player who joined.
# Add a new - for a new line.
# Use %command% /<command> %command%, %website% %website%,
# %hovertitle% title %hovertitle% and %hoverdescription% description %hoverdescription
- '%hovertitle% &aWelcome %player% %hovertitle% &a&lWelcome on this server!'
- '%command% /rules %command% &aUse /rules to see the rules'
- '&aHave fun!'
- '%command% /personaljoin %command% %hovertitle% &l/personaljoin %hovertitle% %hoverdescription% click on this message to execute /personaljoin %hoverdescription% &c&lYou can disable and change this in the config or by using /personaljoin!!!'
# -
# Choose whether the personal join message will be send or not.
enabled: true
# -
# Change the title that is shown when you join the server.
# !!IMPORTANT!! You can only have 1 title and 1 subtitle message!!
Title: '&6&lWelcome %player% on the server!'
# Change the subtitle to '' to only send a title!
Subtitle: '&aUse /title to change this message!'
# -
# Choose whether a the title message is enabled or not.
enabled: true
# -
# Change the players that have enabled silent mode.
- 'Kboutr'
# -
# Choose whether a join/leave message is sent when a player uses '/silent' or not.
enabled: true
# -
# Choose whether operators still get join/leave messages from players in silentmode or not.
enabled: true
# -
# Change the message that is sent to a player when they use a command without the right permissions.
# !!IMPORTANT!! If you want to use a ' in your message (like in don't) write it as '' (so don''t)!!
NoPerms: '&4You don''t have the right permission to use this command!'

If you want a smaller and simpler join message plugin check out my other joinmessage plugin: CustomJoinMessage-Small
If you have any questions or suggestions send me a message on discord: Kboutr#4309